I love to read what others are eating on this diet.
So I thought that in addition to my usual recipes and rants,
I'd add my foods too. I'm pretty boring, you will see!!
I tend to eat the same things over and over.
1/4 pound Farmland "Pork & Bacon Sausage"
2 scrambled eggs
1 tall glass of ice water with lemon juice
2 cups coffee with cream
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs
1/4 cup chicken salad (home made)
a couple leaves of lettuce
Tall glass water with lemon
Snack: water & lemon
cup of coffee w/cream
Dinner: chicken salad, lettuce
big sliced tomato w/ mayonnaise, salt & pepper
Snacks at night are my worst weakness!!
pork rinds
hot sauce
lettuce with Italian dressing
I drink water all day, hated it at first, but now I like it a lot!
Here's an article we read on AOL today about food digestion.
Just thought it was interesting. You may need to copy and paste it into your browser. I hope AOL doesn't mind that I use it!!
Yall can email me anytime, bungej@bellsouth.net
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