Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Ending....Hug a Child Today

Hi Friends,
I got goose bumps talking with a man at Lowe's Saturday. He and his wife heard about a 3 yr old boy in his neighborhood (7 yrs ago) that was being miss treated by his parents daily (in FL. at the time).
This boy was being beaten badly.
This man, Mike (Lowe's employee), went to the mother and told her he heard about it and wanted that bad treatment to stop.
The mother pushed the boy out the door and said,
"here, you want him? you can have him!" ....
Mike took the boy home and called his attorney the next day and adopted the boy, had the mom sign all the papers and never heard from her again. Moved from that area soon after that.... The boy is living a happy life with about 100 animals on a small farm now and has never been beaten again. The boy is hugged much and truly loved.
Wow, this man works in the Lighting/ceiling fan department at Lowe's in Madison Georgia. I wrote him a complementry letter to Lowe's for the great service he gave us Saturday.
Mike .. what a true hero!!!
Now I have goose bumps all over again.....
Please do not hurt your kids, and if you hear of one being miss treated,
do something about it.
Love you all, hug a child today!!
Joan Bunge

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Not Diebetic any more (almost) happy dancing now!!

Drum roll please,
call Paul Tuschy, to do a drum roll fast!!!

I just came home from my doctor's appointment, every 3 months,
check up for pain management (spinal stenosis) and diabetes check.
My doctor was amazed!!
No more pain meds prescribed,
cutting one of my diabetic pills in half for 1 week
then stopping it altogether (glucotrol).
She said it causes weight gain, OMG!
Cutting my insulin way way down.
Will go off the metformin in a month or 2. (it's the one that causes awful diarrhea)
She said I will definitely NOT be diabetic much longer, if I kept this up.
She even said that she was going to have to "re-think" her own diet, as a vegetarian.
My A1C was 5.5. she almost fainted..this time last year, it was 8.6.
4.5 to 5 is normal and not diabetic!!!!!
also I had lost 15 pounds since my last visit.
I'm so happy!!! and getting healthier every day,
Thanks to Dr. Atkins and all my low carb friends!
Blood pressure normal also....
love you all,